This month's Hidden Gem (see last month's here) is Megan of Megalizabeth9. Megan is a professional hair stylist who makes amazing hair related videos. I have been watching her for a couple years now and she inspired me to create Quick Tip Tuesday videos last year.
Now, let’s let Megan tell us about herself.
1. When did you start your Youtube channel and why?
I started Megalizabeth9 on December 12 2011 when I launched my first "12 Days of Christmas" series that I now do every year. I decided to start it because I missed doing YouTube videos that I had done in high school with my best friend. We were both theatre nerds and made music video remakes and put them on a channel we called SmarganM. They're still there…and super embarrassing, but part of who we were then. But she had gone away for college and we didn’t make them anymore and I loved YouTube so much. So since I'm a hairstylist, I decided to make a channel dedicated to hair, and here I am 3 years later!
2. What is the main focus of your channel?
I call it all things hair. I have hair tutorials but I also have Tuesday videos called Quick Tip Tuesday in which I talk about hair advice. However, I'm ready to take my channel for a turn, so I'm taking a break for the month of January and only having a couple videos up so I can focus on these changes. Still hair tutorials, but imagine a hair tutorial that tells a story and teaches you how to do the style in the story!
3. What or who inspires you and why?
Lately my viewers have really been inspiring me to keep going. Right now I'm just being inspired by everyday life. For example, I started having an idea for a video after seeing a balloon, and I wanted to incorporate balloons. Then a wave of my friends got engaged. So what did I do? Just filmed a hair tutorial for a romantic date look that involves balloons! I'm really excited about it, it's going more in that new direction I want to take!
4. What has helped your channel grow the most?
Honestly I've had to stay dedicated to it and work on growth
all on my own. I think the thing that has helped the most is getting to know viewers. I really do enjoy reading comments. And I try to respond in a conversation like way. It's actually helped me to get to know a lot of people so it's like my channel is a big group of friends. I almost always squeal when I see two of my viewers talking to each other in the comments. It shows me that the idea of us all being friends is right. I also do a lot of giveaways. I don't ever do it in a "Bragging" fashion as in "Oh look at all this money I spent", I just enjoy giving cool hair stuff to my viewers. Actually I take the money I make off of my YouTube channel and go buy things for the giveaways. So it's certainly not a show off contest.
5. What would you like people to know about you?
That I am indeed a licensed cosmetologist, which means I professionally do hair. I know most of my regular viewers know that, but I will get random comments from people that they think I don't know what I'm doing. Of course, I know there's always those people on the internet, but I make my videos because I want to share my love of hair with people and help them do fun things with their own and keep it in good shape. I'm always growing in my career, you never stop learning.
Thank you Megan! Please make sure to check her out!
Where you can find Megan: